AG Warehouse


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      Captive Bolt Activator 50pk

      A captive bolt device is used for safe and humane destruction of animals – from small pigs and calves to boars and bulls.  Different strength cartridges are used for different sized animals (see chart below). It is imperative that the correct charge is used for the animal being destroyed. The shot is discharged by pressure on the trigger mechanism. The correct point for entry of the bolt is between and slightly above the eyes.

      *Service kit contains mainspring and rubber buffer. Activators: small pigs, calves – green store pigs, light cows – yellow large pigs, heavy cows – blue large boars, bulls – red

      Important Notice: Serious penalties apply for dealing with animals inhumanely. If in doubt about use of this device, discuss with your veterinarian. Death should be finally ascertained by checking there is no heartbeat, no breathing and no blink reflex. Instructions for use are included with the device. Firearms license is not required, except in W.A

      Available in:

      Red SKU 260095

      Green SKU 260412

      Blue SKU 260093

      Yellow SKU 260373